With the approaching heat, exchanging soda and juice for tea can be excellent for your weight loss. Including teas in your diet helps a lot in healthy weight loss.
Tea is an ancient drink that must be ingested by all people. The interesting thing is that there are teas for each moment, some are better for a good night, others to help you wake up, to maintain energy when you are maintaining a more restricted diet, among others.
If you like this type of drink, we separate some ideas teas for each moment:

To wake up

To start the day well and have enough energy a great tea is black, it will help give energy, improve concentration and focus. This all happens because of the combination of theanine and caffeine he has. Start your day well with black tea. But no sweetening, leave the sugar aside!

For Physical Exercise

Probably you will do physical exercise during the day, so the tip is to take tea to hydrate and give more courage to carry out the activities. The best tea, in this case, is green tea, it speeds up energy expenditure and fat burning, as it has a thermogenic effect. In addition, green tea also has flavonoids that help in cardiovascular health. Fasting in the morning also a good request to accelerate weight loss.

To sleep well

After a tiring day you need a good rest, but because of the shaking, it is often tricky to slow down. So the tip is to take a chamomile tea and relax. It has calming properties that can bring a peaceful sleep. The chamomile tea does not contain caffeine and this is very good for those who have problems at bedtime. This tea is also excellent for those who are very anxious and overeat for emotional reasons.
There are other teas indicated for other occasions, if you are cooled, for example, the idea is to take ginger tea. For women suffering from cramps taking any kind of tea also helps but needs to be warm. For indigestion, it is interesting to drink mint tea.
Include teas regularly in your diet and your body will thank you for the results that will appear!
