The gelatin is always remembered the time you think of a diet to lose weight, but it can be a good thing also to avoid wrinkles, you know? The health benefits of gelatin are many and range from nail strengthening to weight loss. That is, it is worth investing in this food!
Of animal origin, gelatine is rich in collagen. Collagen is responsible for maintaining the bones, regenerating the joints, acts on delaying the process of natural flaccidity, prevents wrinkles, cellulitis, expression marks. In addition gelatine still helps strengthen the nails and hair, gives greater strength, thickness, growth, and shine.

Gelatin and Hydration

Having plenty of water gelatine is also a great source of hydration and this maintains the firmness of the skin and hair. It also helps fight against constipation. Best of all, this dessert is not fattening, even if it contains sugar, it also has a lot of water. But you can also opt for diet or light gelatin, they have no sugar.
Gelatine can be part of the diet of slimming since it has no fat if consumed in the diet version. A cool option that will leave the dessert tastier and fun is to put pieces of fruit like strawberry, pineapple, apple, and others in the hot water before making the gelatin.

How to Include Gelatin in Food

There is an infallible trick when you think of eating something out of time. Always take an apple. If you eat whole, it's because you were hungry. Otherwise, it was just the urge to pinch. And you can use this rule for gelatin as well.
When you feel like something sweet, take a piece of jelly and eat it. If you eat everything, the will passes. If you do not eat, it will also pass, because you just need a candy in your mouth.
