We should not take advantage of holidays just by mourning over eating too much or eating poor food and suffering the consequences.

The first step is to recognize that we need change.

The theme independence is very suggestive, this word may motivate you to seek independence to reach your ideal weight

Therefore, we separate some tricks to control your diet on holidays. Write down!

These tips are great for scheduling holidays and parties:

Avoid starving yourself, do not leave on an empty stomach or even with your head in the food of the event, this can result in the uncontrolled intake and of very poor quality.

You will get stressed and your hormones will increase your appetite, so it is best not to get hungry at the events.

Eating healthy before the festive moment is a way to compensate for poor nutritional quality and excess calories you will have in the events.

Some recipes can offset and balance party food cravings.

Exercise regularly because regular exercise helps us maintain self-control, self-esteem and can promote the balanced functioning of hormones that influence levels of hunger and satiety.

Rest well, try to sleep properly in both quality and quantity.

Each night disturbed sleep can also disrupt hormones that regulate food intake, encouraging us to eat more and lower quality.

What can you do in a special meal? 

In the holiday season, we can control our diet using the following tricks when it's time to eat and drink at the party:

Always serve in a dish the foods to consume, even snacks or snacks because this will favor the way we ingest and helps to keep track of what we eat.

Listen to your body and ask yourself, how big is my hunger? Because we often simply have anxiety or desire to eat, which is not the same as the physiological need to eat food.

If you are "hungry to eat" rather than hungry, choose a nice food, a small portion and enjoy, but when hungry look at dishes that promote satiety and contain good nutrients.

First, choose low-calorie foods or drink water before eating as well as reduce the possibility of eating and thirst and also calm the anxiety and partially quench us with foods that are not full of calories.

If possible, you can drink water 30 minutes before you start eating or choose a salad or fiber-rich dishes, which reduces the glycemic index of the total food, avoiding glucose and insulin spikes, and thus help control hunger. over her.

Choose smaller plates, cups, and utensils visually this will help us eat smaller portions and have control of what we ingest, favoring reduction of caloric intake as proven by American scientists

Eat slowly to encourage the recording of ingested satiety and promote less desire.
Reducing the rate at which we eat helps control food intake according to a research published in Nature Reviews Endocrinology

Chew a lot and choose foods that stimulate chewing because it has been proven that hard foods help reduce food intake by promoting satiety and slow ingestion, stimulating chewing.

With these tricks, you can control your diet away from home and thus avoid indigestion or extra pounds after parties or holidays

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